Why Do Shingle Prices for Roofing Fluctuate?

If you are replacing or repairing your roof, you may have noticed the prices of shingles…

List of the 10 Different Types of Nuts and Their Health Benefits

Nuts are one of the most delicious, versatile, and nutritious snacks on Earth. But you may…

Loving Lately: Twisted Taper Candles

Lately I’ve become enamored by twisted taper candles. Maybe I just didn’t notice them before, but…

The Murillo 1665 Housing Complex in Montevideo, Uruguay

In Uruguay, A Housing Complex Embedded in its Verdant Context Candida Tabet Arquitetura and Estudio Santiago…

Everything We Learned about Swimming Pool InstallationDIY Show Off ™ – DIY Decorating and Home Improvement Blog

To be honest, it took me a little while to warm up to the idea of…

A Farmhouse Exterior Update – The Current State Of The House, Sports Court, And What Is Next

This landscaping project has been hard for me to get my mind around. We don’t have…