Things You Didn’t Know About Plumbers

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Most people think they know what plumbers do. When you have a leaky faucet or a clogged toilet, it seems pretty easy to fix the problem. Right? Well, not exactly. A lot more goes into being a plumber than most people realize. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn something new! This blog post will look behind the scenes and uncover some surprising truths about plumbing.

Plumbers Are Trained, Seriously

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plumber casual tools

There is no such thing as an inexperienced plumber. Even before they work their first job, plumbers undergo extensive training and hands-on work to ensure they know exactly what they are doing. To become a licensed plumber, you have to go through extensive training. The training usually involves completing an apprenticeship program for up to four years. During this time, plumbers learn everything from reading blueprints and using specialized tools to installing pipes and fixtures properly.

Plumbing Is More Dangerous Than You Think

Plumbing might not seem dangerous, but it is. Every year, hundreds of accidents and injuries occur in the plumbing industry. It’s why plumbers take safety so seriously. They are constantly working with sharp tools and heavy equipment, and one wrong move could result in a severe injury. To minimize the risks, plumbers always follow safety procedures to the letter.

Being The Natural Problem Solver

Plumbers devserve more

One of the most important aspects of being a plumber is being able to solve problems. Plumbing systems constantly break down and must be repaired. Plumbers have to be able to quickly assess the situation and find a way to fix the problem. Most situations require thinking outside the box and developing creative solutions.

Plumbers Prefer Bathrooms To Kitchens

Things You Didn't Know About Plumbers 2

Many homeowners think plumbers hate working with bathrooms. But the truth is, plumbers hate working with kitchens more. This is because kitchens contain grease and food particles that can clog pipes and fixtures. Bathrooms may be full of icky things, but they are much easier to clean than kitchens. In addition, kitchens often have more complex plumbing systems than bathrooms.

Read more: Expert Tips To Transform Your Kitchen.

Dealing With Waste

Things You Didn't Know About Plumbers 1

One of the less glamorous aspects of being a plumber is dealing with other people’s waste. Plumbers are constantly coming into contact with sewage and other gross substances. They always wear protective gear, such as gloves and masks. Despite the ick factor, plumbers understand that this is just part of the job and don’t let it phase them.

Read more: How to Hire the Best Plumber in San Diego.

Unflushable Items

Some items should never have to go through a flush. Yet, plumbers must deal with people flushing things like diapers, sanitary napkins, and condoms. These items can clog pipes and cause significant problems. So the next time you are tempted to flush something that doesn’t belong, think of the poor plumber who will have to deal with it.

You will be surprised by the number of homeowners who put things in their garbage disposal that have no business being there. From chicken bones to coffee grinds, plumbers have seen it all. And while you may think that your garbage disposal can handle anything, that is not the case. Putting the wrong things in your garbage disposal can damage the blades and cause them to break down. And plumbers are not a massive fan of working with garbage disposals. They are often dirty and full of gunk.

Plumbers Are Usually Underpaid

Even though plumbing is a skilled trade that requires years of training, plumbers don’t always get paid what they deserve. In many cases, they are underpaid for their work. Homeowners often haggle over price or don’t understand how much work goes into a job. As a result, plumbers often work long hours for little pay.

Plumbers Save Your Money

While you may not think of plumbers as being frugal, they help you save money. Plumbers are always finding ways to improve plumbing systems. For example, they might install low-flow toilets or energy-efficient water heaters. These upgrades can save you money on your utility bills each month. In addition, plumbers often offer tips on how to conserve water and prevent costly repairs.

Final Words

Despite the challenges, being a plumber can be a rewarding career. It is a skilled trade that requires years of training and experience. And while it may not be the most glamorous job in the world, it is an essential service that helps keep our homes and businesses running smoothly. So, call your local plumber next time you need a plumbing repair. They will be more than happy to help you out. And who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about plumbing in the process.

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