Palm Beach real estate agent Brandt joins Premier Estate Properties

Palm Beach real estate agent Margit Brandt has joined the sales team at Premier Estate Properties.

Real estate agent Margit Brandt has joined the Palm Beach sales team at Premier Estate Properties after a stint at Compass Florida. 

Brandt sold or put under contract more than $285 million over the past year, according to a statement released by Premier Estate Properties, and had $180 million in sales closed or pending this past January, February and March, according to quarterly sales records. Of the deals Brandt took part in during the past 12 months, more than half have been off-market transactions, the agency said. 

Brandt’s track record in Palm Beach “speaks for itself,” said Carmen N. D’Angelo Jr., a principal at family-owned Premier Estate Properties. Brandt possesses, D’Angelo added, “a winning combination of global relationships and local knowledge, which pairs well with her artful negotiating acumen and concierge style.”